Monday, 7 October 2013

Review: This Works Dream Team - Deep Sleep Stress Less & Pillow Spray

Deep Sleep, Dream Team, Pillow Spray, Relax, Sleep, Stress Less, This Works,

I've never been a particularly good sleeper. It usually takes me a while to fall asleep and I always wake up early. I haven't slept beyond 9am in almost 10 years. Even when I do sleep, I'm frequently only half asleep, with vivid dreams that I have whilst I'm aware of being in my room, my eyes are open but I see and talk (out loud) to people who aren't there (not in a creepy nightmare way - just friends, colleagues etc). So when I do wake up around 7am I'm usually pretty knackered! Lately I feel my enthusiasm is suffering because of this so I'm trying to finally get some proper, actually relaxing sleep.

I popped into Boots where I came across the This Works display which have a large range of products dedicated to helping to relax and sleep easy. It was the middle of the working day so I didn't want to try something that would make me drowsy so instead I tried out Stress Less. I applied the roller-ball scent to my wrists and neck. Low and behold, 20 minutes lately I had an intense wave of sleepiness. Not ideal at work, but I was very impressed!

Deep Sleep, Dream Team, Pillow Spray, Relax, Sleep, Stress Less, This Works,

On my way home I picked up the This Works Dream Team kit which consisted of 2 minis; a 5ml Stress Less roller-ball and a 5ml pillow spray.

The pillow spray has a lovely, light scent to it and I do think it helps clear my mind before I fall asleep. The scent doesn't linger for as long as I'd like however, dissipating after around 20-30 minutes, so I'd suggest using this only as you're ready to hit the pillow!

It suggests you apply the roller-ball to your wrists or a tissue and inhale the vapours. This has a different and more intense scent than the Pillow Spray. Again this fades away within half an hour, so use it as you are trying to fall asleep, rather than in preparation to.

That night was the first night I'd slept through the whole night in weeks! I am definitely seeing an improvement in my ability to fall and stay asleep using the This Works Dream Team and will definitely be picking up the full sized versions of these once I've run out. It's available at Boots for £10.

Deep Sleep, Dream Team, Pillow Spray, Relax, Sleep, Stress Less, This Works,

Have you tried anything from the This Works Deep Sleep range?


  1. Not tried the This works range, I do like the Neom tranquility pillow spray to relax me before bed.

    1. Oooh I'll go take a look at that, thanks Naomi!

  2. Yay! You must have felt great in the morning. We've never even heard of this range of products before but they sound like they really work. Does it smell of lavender at all?

    Our friend has trouble sleeping too; she swears by having cup of chamomile tea before bed.

    Thanks for sharing :-)

    x Roch & Tash x

    1. It's definitely nice to be waking up feeling much more rested! I think there is some lavender in it, but it's not too intense (as I don't really like lavender all that much).

      I've been trying the chamomile tea too and I do think it helps. Trying to find a good local shop to buy loose tea from.

    2. That's great. We saw your reviving tea pic on twitter the other day ... & cheeky chocolate :-)

      x Roch & Tash x
